Dualwheel casters offer high weight capacities withminimal overall heights, betterload distribution,flooprotectionand mobility than single wheel casters.This isa result of spreading the weight over a wider floor areawhile offering wheel differential action,resulting in lessfriction Between thewheels and the floor, requiring lesseffort for the caster to swivel. Dual wheel casters areideal for towlines, shock load applications andabusiveconditions, trucks used in Container.
When placing or removing casters from corners, use a fork truck toraise or lower the Corner fitting. Personnel are to stand clear of adjacentareas to avoid injury if accidentally dropped.
Casters can allow loads to move on unleveled surfaces and crushpersonnel. Lock swivel casters in towing direction and chock before detachingtow vehicle. When towing, swivels on tow-end should be unlocked afterconnecting tow vehicle and before starting tow.
Alternate or custom caster configurations available.
When placing or removing casters from corners, use a fork truck toraise or lower the Corner fitting. Personnel are to stand clear of adjacentareas to avoid injury if accidentally dropped.
Casters can allow loads to move on unleveled surfaces and crushpersonnel. Lock swivel casters in towing direction and chock before detachingtow vehicle. When towing, swivels on tow-end should be unlocked afterconnecting tow vehicle and before starting tow.
Alternate or custom caster configurations available.